Thursday, January 20, 2011


hi guys!
say hi to my new necklace ^^
it's only the 100th of many that i made for the season ^^
it's still cold here! brrr. it used to be a jingle bell for christmas but now it's an ~icicle~
the princess style chain was $2 (expensive?!?) from daiso (my fav, cheap store heehee, just my right price point)
however it came with nothing (sadly! it was actually a eyeglasses chain??) so I attach whatever i want to it when i feel like it. 

~never melting icicle!!~
 it's only an empty pencil lead container! but i love novelty stationaries so i kept it!~actually i just found it, i love finding things! cause i am so good at losing things probably heehee
today i was going to visit the shoe store one more time because i thought maybe i would buy $5 flats for special occasions (i really only have running shoes...) but too tired/lazy/cold after the pool for school...maybe tomorrow!
will you make a never melting icicle pendant?~tell me what else you would make a necklace with!
may your spirits and dreams never melt too~~!!
xox, hihihi ^^


  1. i dont usually wear necklaces because i find them a bit annoying sometimes. xD

    the only necklace i wear is a love heart one from Tiffany & Co. that my boyfriend bought for me.

    Not sure what i would put on my necklace x]
    maybe a mickey mouse head :D

    the necklace you made looks cute~ but seems like it would be hard matching an outfit with it..maybe xD

  2. haha yea~~ it is hard to match!! its supposed to be princess-like but it has some BLACK...grr. haha
    aww yeah necklaces are only good when they come from someone u love! ~i find them annoying too. thats why i find it extra annoying i love how they look and i keep making them and then giving them to my friends who DO accessorize ^^


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